“How do you prepare a tooth for a zirconia crown?”
I am a 36 year old female. I want to know how do you prepare a tooth for a zirconia crown?
12 Answers
When prepping a tooth for a posterior Zirconia crown, you will need to ensure that there is sufficient room for the wall thickness to have a minimum of 0.5 mm and ideally between 1 mm and 1.5 mm or 1.5 to 2 mm occlusal reduction. The prep should be tapered between 4°and 8°.
Dr. Barry Cunha
Typically a Zirconia crown is prepared the same as any crown with minor differences in the preparation. About a mm or two is removed circumforentially and occlusally to ensure the new crown will have enough strength to withstand chewing forces
Same as any other crown preparation. Zirconia prefers a chamfer design but an design is fine. The main difference between Zirconia and other materials is Zirconia extreme hardness and durability. The good news is that with well over 10 years of clinical usage it has not been shown to damage natural teeth.
YOU PREPARE THE TOOTH as you would for any crown. It's just a different material than gold or porcelain fused to gold. These are strong crowns, but not always the most esthetic.
Crowns are prepped by removing some of the natural tooth structure in order to fabricate and cement a crown over your tooth.
A Zirconia crown is the most popular choice for dental crowns today due to its incredible strength and ability to blend in with the color of adjacent teeth. Preparation is really not unlike the preparation of a gold crown or a porcelain fused to metal crown. Ask your American Dental Association dentist about any special preparation details he may use.
Russell A. Sassack, D.D.S.
Russell A. Sassack, D.D.S.
This is a great question. In order to prepare a tooth for a zirconia crown, the first thing to do is to get the tooth and surrounding soft tissues numb. Once the area is isolated and made safe to proceed, we will clean out the tooth by removing all old restorative material and decay.
There are some slight variations specific to certain cases in preparing a tooth to receive a zirconia crown. In general your dentist will need to assure the the tooth is healthy to sustain a crown-healthy gingiva and bone support of the tooth, healthy pulp(live tissue inside tooth),or a healthy maintaining root canal therapy. The preparation is then to reduce the outer surfaces of the tooth approximately .8 -1.5 mm assuring proper space and decay free support after appropriate local anesthesia.
The same way you do for an all ceramic crown with the exception that the occlusal reduction is much less.