“How do you stretch your middle back?”
I am a 26 year old female. I want to know how do you stretch your middle back?
9 Answers
That’s a tough one to describe in words. Here is where a picture is worth a thousand words. Your chiropractor should be able to demonstrate some to you.
Using a foam roller is one of the best ways you can get great motion in your mid thoracic spine. There are many videos on YouTube you can watch with regards to how to use a foam roller.
There are many ways to stretch the thoracic spine or mid back. You can raise your arms up and arch back wards. You can do planks. Or you can roll a towel up down the center of you back and lay over it letting your shoulder blades hug the towel.
The best stretch for the middle back is the cat stretch. Either standing or on all fours you arch your back towards the sky, hold for 10 seconds, relax and repeat several times like what a cat does. There are other stretches using your arms in a reaching motion. You can check the web or ask your chiropractor.
I have attached a link to some pretty good mid back stretches. I hope they help:
I like to use the foam roller, an inversion table, or yoga exercises like Cat/Cow extension/flexion.
Cat/Cow stretches, side bending, and threading the needle are all good movements to encourage Thoracic Mobility. You can find plenty of YouTube videos showing these movements if you search for Thoracic Mobility.