Dentist Questions Dentist

How do you use a dental scaler to remove tartar?

I am a 33 year old male. I want to know how can I use a dental scaler to remove tartar?

10 Answers


It requires a skill, therefore it’s best to have a dental professional who is skilled in using scalers!

Sofiya Malakova
That’s a technique that the hygienist uses during the cleaning appointment for a patient if the patient wants to use a scalar at home to keep up with tartar control until his or her next cleaning that something that the hygienist can teach and show during that initial hygiene appointment.
Each scaler is different and has different cutting edges. You really should not be using a scaler unless specifically trained to do so, if you do, you will likely lacerate your gingiva!
Scalers are designed to remove tartar via anatomical areas of the mouth per dentist. Allow the dentist to direct the understanding.
To answer your question, A dental scaler's used in a dental offices are not intended for pubic use. A Dentist/hygienist goes through dental school/ hygiene school to learn how to handle and use a scaler properly. The ones you can purchase over the counter are not designed properly and easily harm your self.
To remove tartar aka calculus, there are special dental instruments in the dental office which can remove it. Some are ultrasonic instruments or hand instruments. Calculus is only removed in a dental office.  Hope this helps.
The short answer is, you don't! You should be seeing a dental professional to remove mineralized build up on teeth.

Samantha B. Rawdin, DMD
If your saliva produces a lot of tartar, you can remove it at the initial stage when calcification had not occur yet. Using a tip of scaler, you can carefully scrub it off pulling instrument from gums to the top of the tooth. You will be able to remove tartar from surfaces that are visible to you not from the other harder to reach places. Regular visits to dental professional is recommended every 6 months.
I would rather have the hygienist remove it for you.
The use of a dental scaler takes many, many years of training and correct angulation with the right set of scaler for the specific tooth. Each tooth has its own anatomical scaler and even with that one needs a skilled provider to do it.