“How harmful are x-rays for children?”
My daughter needs an x-ray of her arm. I want to know how harmful are x-rays for children?
4 Answers
An X-ray of the arm should have minimal risk. Field of view is limited and xray settings should be customized for her age.
How harmful x-ray for children? In your case not harmful at all. Information is more valuable, than unlikely possible stochastic effect from x-ray.
Plain film X-rays as your daughter is getting for her arm are not harmful to children because of the low doses. CT scans have a much higher dose of radiation and are cumulatively harmful to children. The X-ray dose from a flight from East Coast to California would be equivalent to a single chest X-ray which is more radiation than received from an X-ray to the arm.
Just as harmful as flying in an airplane for one hour or living in Denver for one week.