Dentist Questions Dental Implants

How long do dental implants last?

I'm going to have a surgery for a dental implant next week. Do dental implants last long? Or will I need to replace it eventually?

3 Answers

Most implants will last many years. Everything depends on healing and home care, you need to clean the implants as if they were your original teeth (or better).
If the bite is done properly and you take proper care of your implant and your teeth and there was plenty of bone to put the implant into it should last as long as any of your teeth which could be a lifetime. Chances are you need this implant because something was neglected in your mouth. So, the answer remains a little open ended. If the implant does not fail in the beginning and you use a platform switching style with custom abutment and high quality titanium, you will set yourself up for less problems.

Alan B. Steiner, DMD

There is always a possibility of the implant failing, but that is very uncommon. In my 30 years of dental practice, I have only had one fail. Usually, they should last many years and are typically a very good choice to replace missing teeth.