Pathologist Questions Breast Biopsy

How long does a breast biopsy take?

I am a 45 year old female and I will have a breast biopsy next week. How long does a breast biopsy take?

5 Answers

Normally you don’t need to prepare for a breast biopsy. They will numb you in the needle area, but you will be awake. Now, if you are going to have a deeper breast biopsy or lumpectomy, they will give you general anesthesia. You must not drink or eat anything at least 8 hours before the surgical procedure. In this case, the procedure may last from 10 minutes to an hour.. Follow your Dr. recommendation. Thank you.
Should be very fast
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Depending on the type you are having and who is going it. Generally the procedure should be done within a half hour.
The duration of the breast biopsy depends on the type of biopsy. Breast biopsy ranges from a fine needle aspiration (Just sticking a needle into the lump, sometimes with ultrasound guidance) all the way to "lumpectomy" (cutting out the entire suspicious area). The fine needle biopsy takes a minute or two after prepping and numbing the area. So, total around 10-15
minutes. The lumpectomy may need "general anesthesia" where they put you to sleep. So it would end up being longer, around 30-45 minutes by the time you get put to sleep, the lump removed, and waking up again. Breast biopsies are very easy and quick. Usually they don't take much time. The worst part of a breast biopsy is just waiting for the result. Hope that yours is benign. Most breast biopsies are benign, only about one in five is cancerous.
It depends on what type of a breast biopsy. Ultrasound-guided biopsies usually take about 10 minutes, stereotactic biopsies about half an hour and MRI guided biopsies about 1 hour. Surgical biopsies in the operating room also take about 1 hour and are done usually under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation