“Stress and anxiety?”
Female | 32 years old
Complaint duration: 3dats
4 Answers
Councelor/Therapist|MentalHealthPsychiatristI winder whether there was a trigger a month ago when your symptoms dramatically began to worsen. It’s possible that your therapist will help you manage by giving you a short term plan (maybe taking medication at least in the beginning to give yourself some immediate relief and get you back to functional) and then as you begin to work on the actual issue learning how to cope with feelings of anxiety you can decide what makes sense in terms of continuing medication. I am not a psychiatrist so I need to stay in my lane regarding specific medications. What I can tell you though is the idea is to allow the medication to hijack your brain and help your firing neurotransmitters to increase or decrease levels of serotonin, dopamine, epinephrin, neuroepinephrin, GABA, or whatever neurotransmitters are needing some help while you begin to learn the behavioral and cognitive changes you have the power to control to help yourself feel better.