Surgeon Questions surgeon

How long does it take for swelling to go down after abdominal surgery?

I am a 49 year old female. I want to know how long does it take for swelling to go down after abdominal surgery?

3 Answers

Maybe 2-4 weeks. You have to be evaluated for why you have swelling and where is it located. Please get a check up.
Hi, Dr. Willkomm here. That question really depends on which type of swelling you have and are referring to. Swelling at the surgery site (your incision) usually takes one to two weeks to resolve. Swelling at other parts of your body (your legs) comes from intravenous fluid you are given during and after your procedure. This usually only last about 3-7 days if you have good kidney and heart function.
This is a very difficult question to answer, I have no idea what operation you had and if it is incisional swelling or swelling from the laparoscopic gas used or if you had an open bowel resection. If it is from gas insufflation the swelling will last a day or two. if there was a big incision the swelling may last 6 months, the best thing you can do is ask your surgeon or one of the nurses in the office and then you can get a direct answer more specific to your case. There are 100 different reasons why a patient has swelling after an operation and I cannot guess as to what exactly you mean or the cause of it.