“How long does laser eye surgery last?”
I am a 37 year old male and I will have laser eye surgery. How long does laser eye surgery last?
6 Answers
Visual changes from laser vision correction are permanent. Over time a small number of individuals will experience some changes to their vision which can be corrected with a laser enhancement procedure.
You will really enjoy your vision without glasses or contacts. You can expect to have great distance vision for many years, until you develop cataracts - hopefully in your 80's. Your up-close vision for reading and small things will become a problem at about age 45; at that time you will likely need over the counter reading glasses. So, for the next 8 years you can expect great far and near vision, with excellent distance vision for 40 or more years. Congratulations on getting laser eye surgery - it will be one of the happiest decisions you make for many years to come!
The corneal laser surgery changes the corneal curvature for many years, typically 10-30 years. Vision does change around 45-55 yo due to changes in the lens, cataract development, and increased dryness. In later years, optic nerve, eye pressure system, and retina can also get old and affect the vision.