“How many dental fillings can you get at a time?”
I am a 28 year old male. I was wondering how many dental fillings can you get at a time?
11 Answers
There is no limit to the amount of dental fillings that you can get at one time. However doing a full mouth of dental appointments can be a long appointment and lead to discomfort afterwards. Most dentists choose to do either 1/4 or 1/2 of the mouth at one time and space the work into 2-4 appointments.
As many as you and the dentist can handle. There are no real limits, it depends on your schedule and the dentist's skill and scheduling.
You can have as many fillings as you want in one visit. However, your dentist should discuss with you what is most comfortable.
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How many dental fillings can you get at a time?
I am a 28 year old male. I was wondering how many dental fillings can you get at a time?
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How many dental fillings can you get at a time?
I am a 28 year old male. I was wondering how many dental fillings can you get at a time?
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There is no limitation, but it may take longer to do many fillings and you may get really tired during the appointment.
There isn’t a limit on the number of fillings per visit. Often, patients prefer longer visits because it means fewer. A good question to ask yourself is why you have so many cavities.
This is a great question! The answer of course depends on a few variables. First, how aggressive is the dentist doing the fillings. Some dentists do not want to do more then 1 or 2 at a time for various reasons of their own. Secondly, where are the fillings located. If there are 4-5 fillings all located on one side of the lower jaw then all of them can be done in one visit. In fact, it is sometimes recommended to be done in one visit because it saves time, trips to the dentist, and limits the amount of time local anesthesia has to be given (less injections). If the cavities are all over the persons mouth then it might be best for them to be done in multiple visits to avoid local anesthesia (numbing) a persons entire mouth.
Finally, outside circumstances may suggest one way or the other. If someone is being deployed overseas then the government is going to want them to have all their fillings done at once. This maybe true if a person is going to study abroad for 6 months or more. Hope this helps.
My best to you!
William F. Scott IV, DMD
This is a great question! The answer of course depends on a few variables. First, how aggressive is the dentist doing the fillings. Some dentists do not want to do more then 1 or 2 at a time for various reasons of their own. Secondly, where are the fillings located. If there are 4-5 fillings all located on one side of the lower jaw then all of them can be done in one visit. In fact, it is sometimes recommended to be done in one visit because it saves time, trips to the dentist, and limits the amount of time local anesthesia has to be given (less injections). If the cavities are all over the persons mouth then it might be best for them to be done in multiple visits to avoid local anesthesia (numbing) a persons entire mouth.
Finally, outside circumstances may suggest one way or the other. If someone is being deployed overseas then the government is going to want them to have all their fillings done at once. This maybe true if a person is going to study abroad for 6 months or more. Hope this helps.
My best to you!
William F. Scott IV, DMD
There is no limitation how many fillings you can get in one visit , usually if you have decay on upper and lower teeth on the same side, you can get them done in one appoitment as long as your jaw doesn’t get tired
As many as you need, but this is not the best way. 2-3 at one time is better, especially if they're big.