Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

How many sessions of acupuncture do you need for knee pain?

I am a 38 year old female and I have knee pain. How many sessions of acupuncture do you need for knee pain?

29 Answers

Hello, It is dependent to individual conditions and issues. You may feel free of pain immediately follow the initial treatment or it may take more 6 to 8 sessions.
It depends how long you have the pain and how you respond to the treatment. Usually we can get some results in 4-6 treatments.
Good luck
Dr. Leila
Three sessions per week of acupuncture treatment may be superior to 1 session per week of acupuncture treatment for symptomatic outcomes in knee osteoarthritis.
Yes we can help relieve your knees problems with acupuncture, massage and herbs, the number of sessions depends on your problems.
It mainly depends on the time you develop the pain. Generally, the symptoms can be resolved 5 times within a year.
It depends on why you have knee pain. Is there a tear or meniscus problem, arthritis..? First we need a diagnosis and then we can give an estimate for treatment plan.
Evaluation is needed to determine number of treatments
It depends. Everyone is different. If it is chronic or severe. If you had an injury etc. Acupucture goes to the root cause of your condition. But you should see an improvement after your first session. Normally a course of treatment is between 5 and 10.
The number of visits will depend on what’s going on with your knee. If the pain is due to an injury that requires surgery, acupuncture can help you in preparation for such intervention. And can assist in the recovery phase too! Usually, a knee that do not require surgery would notice a big change in 5 to 10 visits.
Well, that depends upon the severity of your condition. Have you had an x-ray? Do you know if there is any damage to your knee or surrounding tissues/structures? If you have torn anything then surgery may be warranted. Are you overweight? Extra weight can really tax the knees over time, as they have too large of a load to support. What is your activity level like? If you are sitting too much or standing too much, that can affect how well you respond to acupuncture. What you do for work (or play) can also determine your response to treatment. And lastly, proper footwear is essential to support the weight of your body and cushion your knees. Good luck!!
The number of visits will depend upon the duration of disease, the severity of the symptoms, and the state of your overall health. The suggested treatments will be discussed with you during your initial consultation.

Here is a video to explains what to expect during your initial acupuncture treatment:

Here are some of our testimonials in regards to knee pain relief:

Hope this helps!

The number of sessions to treat your knee pain will depend on how chronic your condition is. Generally speaking, knee pain from sprain/strain may be resolved after 3-5 acupuncture treatments. Whereas an ACL/MCL treatment may require 8-10 acupuncture treatments. Ask your primary if acupuncture would be a good alternative therapy and check with the practitioner after he examines the knee to get a better idea for the prognosis.

Live Happy,

Hi, Happy New year!

It all depends on how severe, how long, and how the diagnosis is. Your acupuncturist will tell you how many treatments you will need when you are in office for the initial consultation and treatment.


Scott Sang In Lee
Depends on the cause of pain and how well you respond to treatment. A full evaluation is recommended to be specific about your case. -Dr. Anthony Gordon
Typically, people come in 3-6x for acute knee pain, and 6-10 for chronic knee pain. 
Happy New Year!

Hello and thanks for inquiring about acupuncture for knee pain. The number of treatments will depend on a few factors:

-What the cause of the pain is, whether it is from an injury (sports or other overuse syndrome), or if it is more systemic due to another chronic condition
-What type of injury it is (torn meniscus, lateral ligaments affected, or other)
-How often you can come for treatment, sometimes more frequently at first until we see noticeable improvement
-How long you have had this issue, sometimes the longer you have it, then the longer it may take to resolve it, although that is not always the case

All those things considered, it would still require an in-person or at least a virtual teledoc visit to assess your situation more accurately. 

Amy Hausman, L.Ac. Ord.Min.

Mobile: 917-334-8907

“Deem not the lion who breaks his enemy

The true warrior is one who breaks himself”

In general, you will feel better after 3 sessions.
How many sessions depends on patient’s health level, their response to treatment, and their practitioner’s skill set, and even the connection between you and your practitioner! I’ve had patients with knee pain get off the table after their first treatment and fee no more pain! I’ve also seen patients come in 10 times for the same problem and still feel creaky! So, it really all depends.
I'm afraid there is no set number of treatments for any given problem. We are trying to actually allow your body to heal itself, so it takes time and consistency of treatments in order for that to happen.
Everyone's body is different in how quickly the respond to treatment. We recommend at least 6 sessions because some people see progress after the first, and some people it takes a couple.
At least 5 sessions
3-10 times.
Usually, you should expect to see some changes in 3-10 treatments...but the knees come from the kidney energy in our medicine, so if the kidneys are weak, it takes longer...3-6 months.
Acupuncture is not practiced with a "cook book" approach. Every patient is unique. A young healthy patient is probably going to need fewer treatments than an elder, someone overweight, or someone with other health issues. I usually like to give 4 treatments and see how well a patient is responding to determine how many treatments might be required.
That depends on how long you have had the knee pain, why you have it, and your compliance with your practitioner's treatment plan.

Generally speaking, the longer a condition has been in existence, the longer (and more sessions) it will take to resolve. If you haven't felt some changes or improvements throughout your body within 5-8 treatments, however, I recommend tyring another practitioner or another style of acupuncture.
It depends on what is causing the pain and how long you have had it. A full course of treatment is 7 - 10 visits, but many people feel an improvement a lot sooner than that.
5-6 sessions enough.
The "how many treatments" question is one I get a lot. It's very difficult to answer for several reasons:

1. The Chinese diagnostic system takes in to account individual factors in presentation. Three people could walk in to my clinic with knee pain but, from the perspective of Chinese medicine, all three could be experiencing the issue for different reasons. Those different root causes will have different treatments. Some root causes respond faster to treatment than others and some people respond faster to treatment than others.

2. There are a variety of different systems of acupuncture. Some of these systems are better for dealing with certain kinds of issues relative to other systems. Without knowing what kind of acupuncture your provider practices, it's hard to know whether or not there's a good fit between that system of acupuncture and your issue.

3. As in conventional medicine, some practitioners are just better with certain kinds of issues relative to other practitioners. There's an add-on here specific to acupuncture: depending on where you're located, there could be providers who offer "acupuncture" without having attended school for Chinese medicine or actually being licensed or board certified as an acupuncturist. Without knowing whether or not you're seeing a board certified and state licensed acupuncturist and what that person's track record is with issues like joint pain it is, again, difficult to predict what a course of therapy might look like.

4. Sometimes with joint issues, we're looking at a structural problem. Many times, if a structural issue is the cause of the pain, surgery is the best fix; making it important to know why, from a conventional perspective, you're experiencing knee pain. In these cases acupuncture can be used successfully to help manage pre and post-op pain, but acupuncture isn't an effective long-term fix.

I work mainly in pain management and my sweet spot for most pain issues tends to be around 4 or 5 treatments. if you're seeing someone who doesn't work much with pain (or isn't a board certified acupuncturist), you could be looking at more like 8-10 treatments.