“How much delay is normal with periods?”
I am a 28 year old woman. I often have delayed periods. How much delay is normal with periods?
6 Answers
Cycles can be 21-35 days apart more or less and can vary from cycle to cycle. Sometimes if you do not ovulate, you can have a delayed cycle and not be pregnant.
Talk with your gyn about your specific concerns
Talk with your gyn about your specific concerns
Ideal periods come every 28 days but if they are regular they can be considered normal if the come every 21 to 35 days.
Normal periods range from 21-33 days. It is okay as long as you have at least 1 period every 3 months.
Typically, 26 to 35 days is the normal amount of time between cycles. If your cycles are less frequent or more frequent, then it could be a medical issue causing that to occur. That would require a work-up and an office visit.
Doug Young, MD
Doug Young, MD