Massage Therapist Questions Massage Therapy

How often should busy people have massages?

I am a 37-year old mom and have a full time job so I'm extremely busy. I really need to relax more and I'm wondering how often should people have massages to help them relax?

5 Answers

It is up to each person. Massage is designed to release the tension from your musculo-skeletal system. Doing so prevents pain from the constricted muscles. Massage releases toxins that build up from stress and it’s important to “flush” them out. This can be beneficial on a weekly, bimonthly or monthly basis.
There are other techniques to utilize for daily relaxation: yoga, guided visualizations, qigong exercises, meditation…
Many X-factors go into this answer. Generally I would say once a week for the first 3-4 weeks, then once or twice a month.
Some of my clients receive massage once a week and benefit greatly. Try exploring options that work in your schedule. Consider a massage after work a few times a month to start and go from there.
I get a massage every 2 weeks and an energy healing session every month with my mentor. If I don't do this, I start to feel icky. How often you get a massage is completely up to you. I have a client that is very stressed out right now. He gets a massage every week. I'd say it ranges from every week to once per month. I wouldn't go less that once per month though, especially if your a little stress ball.
How often depends on the person's body. Once a week is normal, but for some that isn't enough, for some it's too much. I wouldn't do more than once a week since it's just for relaxation. More than once a week is usually for treatment purposes.
Hope this helps! Good luck.