Surgeon Questions surgeon

How painful is hernia surgery?

I am a 28 year old male. I will have a surgery for my hernia. How painful is hernia surgery?

6 Answers

Laparoscopic repair on inguinal hernias reduces the pain to very low. One can return to average activities in 3 days.
It can be very painful.
It depends on the type of hernia surgery and approach. Most hernia surgeries are out-patient, and pain is usually managed with oral pain medications. Best to ask your surgeon for specific questions as to what to expect.
Having had one myself, it’s quite painful. It gets better fairly quickly though.
Depends on how big is the hernia and what kind and type of  operation involved. Generally 90% of hernias are in the groin. Pain after surgery is usually mild to moderate if local anesthetic is applied.
Inguinal hernia repair is well-tolerated. I prescribe patients 5 days of pain medications and rarely have to refill them. Most of my patients are back to full activities without discomfort within 2-4 weeks.