“How to ease pain from a loose bracket?”
I am a 17 year old male. I have a loose bracket and it's distracting. How to ease pain from a loose bracket?
8 Answers
Probably wax is your best bet to help with a loose bracket, as it is probably rubbing your lip or cheek. However, get to your orthodontist as soon as possible, and they can put it back in place for you, which will be the ultimate relief of the discomfort.
You must call the orthodontic office and get it repaired ASAP. You can get some orthodontic wax at the pharmacy and put over it until you can get into your orthodontist's office.
William E. Harrell, Jr., DMD, C.DSM
William E. Harrell, Jr., DMD, C.DSM
Call your orthodontist and they will remove the bracket and replace it, if required. Otherwise, add wax over the loose bracket. Should be in a kit the ortho gave you when you had your braces placed.

Dr. Yoram Kohanzadeh
Put wax on it to stabilize it and call your orthodontist.
Now that orthodontic offices are opening, you need to call your orthodontist and get the loose bracket rebonded ASAP. I am at a loss to explain why it is causing pain if it is loose but still retained on the arch wire unless it has spun around so that it is on the outside of the arch wire and irritating your mouth, if so spin in around so it is back facing the tooth and inside the arch wire. Cover anything poking with wax or cotton.
There are two easy things you can do to help. One would be to take Ibuprofen. This can help reduce the inflammation and help the area feel better. The second thing would be to place Orajel on the area. This can temporarily numb the sore gums and give you some relief. The best thing to do would be to return to see your orthodontist as soon as you are able.
Marc D. Thomas, DDS
Marc D. Thomas, DDS