“How to manage my difficulty walking?”
Male | 59 years old
Complaint duration: 8 months
Medications: Janumet 50/1,000
Conditions: diabetics
3 Answers
Patients with diabetes get painful and sometimes weak legs. That being said, additional problems occur with leg weakness that leaves you unable to lift them or adequately walk with them. First of all, you should not be operating a bus if your braking or acceleration response times are slowed by even one fraction of a second. If you cannot immediately and quickly brake with hard pressure, you jeopardize everyone on the bus. There is no way to cure this problem without knowing more and examining you, but the biggest fear is a spinal cord or muscle weakness problem that needs a diagnosis. Things like multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy and spinal adhesive arachnoiditis may be considerations. My best advice is to go to a county free clinic, as your diabetes may also be out of control and your diabetic neuropathy needs a baseline evaluation by a diabetic expert or a neurologist, then further testing by physical exam. You may need an X-ray, MRI, and nerve conduction study. Fight for your diagnosis.
All the best!