Dentist Questions Dentist

How to treat inflamed gums at home?

I am a 22 year old female. Since my dental appointment was canceled, how do I treat my inflamed gums at home?

4 Answers

Low carb diet lots of antioxidants esp vit c. and great oral home care.
For the time being till you get your dental appointment. Just keep your regular oral hygiene by flossing, brushing, and using mouthwash. Also, use 3% hydrogen peroxide with warm water as a mouth rinse twice a day.
Brush 2x per day, floss, & water pick with Listerine as the liquid.

Max Kerr, DDS

The best way to keep your gums healthy until you're able to get a professional cleaning is to brush twice a day, floss every day, and use a mouthwash to help kill more bacteria.