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Dr. Saleh A. Elahwal


Dr. Saleh Elahwal is highly trained and experienced with all aspects of dentistry. He is committed to providing the Brooklyn, NY community with state-of-the-art dentistry with professional attention and care. With over 22 years of experience, Dr. Elahwal provides all aspects of dentistry, including general and restorative treatments, dental implants, periodontal treatments, cosmetic dentistry, traditional orthodontics, Invisalign® clear aligners, sleep apnea and TruDenta® headache relief.
Dr. Saleh A. Elahwal
  • Brooklyn, NY
  • Accepting new patients

Can I clean under the bridge with a water flosser?

Yes indeed. Waterpik could be useful in preventing the accumulation of calculus but if there is a lot of buildup you better seek the help of a dentist

How long is a minor filling procedure?

Small cavities could be done in few minutes. It depends on the Dentist experience.

Are partial dentures comfortable?

It depends on the patient’s tolerance to have a foreign removable object in the mouth . Also it depends on the material and design of the partial denture

Can pinhole gum surgery fix gum recession around the crown?

Pinhole gum surgery is minimally invasive procedure to treat gum recession. Good for mild and moderate cases not appropriate for severe cases of recession.

Should I get veneers or Invisalign?

It depends on the degree and amount of crowding.. simple or complicated???
Minor crowding could be solved with veneers and sometimes without even preparing the teeth .

Can a root canal tooth still hurt?

It could be improper bite or occlusion. Or could be infection .. check it again with your dentist or Endodontist

Can I straighten my front teeth with braces?

Braces is a method of levelling and aligning crooked and crowded teeth . There are other methods of doing that . I.e Aligners or removable appliances.

Can I use toothbrush with swollen gums?

You could use tooth brush any time. But with a swollen gum you have to know the reason for the swelling. Seek the help of a periodontist

Can mouthwash heal a gum infection?

The use of mouthwash as a part of oral hygiene regimen is recommended and it reduces inflammation. But in case of infection you need the help of a periodontist.

Should I take antibiotics after having a root canal?

Antibiotics are only taking when a person is having an infection. In some cases when patients who had hip or heart valve replacement as per their Dr’s request they take antibiotics READ MORE
Antibiotics are only taking when a person is having an infection. In some cases when patients who had hip or heart valve replacement as per their Dr’s request they take antibiotics prior to blood born dental procedure .if the tooth is infected. Take antibiotic ..otherwise no.

Is bridging better than implant?

On the contrary. Bridging to replace a missing tooth is damaging 2 perfectly sound teeth . In this case an implant is more of a conservative approach. So it depends on the situation READ MORE
On the contrary. Bridging to replace a missing tooth is damaging 2 perfectly sound teeth . In this case an implant is more of a conservative approach. So it depends on the situation of the 2 Neighbor teeth . If they both have , say root canal treatment and huge fillings and infection free . I’ll do a bridge for the time being . Otherwise an implant is the choice

Do they put you to sleep for gum graft surgery?

General anesthesia is not really needed for a minor procedure like gum graft. It could be done under local infiltration anesthesia

Can I use mouthwash with a dental bridge?

Absolutely. Using mouth wash helps to get rid of the biofilm and the bacteria that causes gingivitis

Why do my teeth hurt after sealants?

Sometimes when hygienists place sealants, they put an amount that could affect occlusion ( when upper teeth get in contact with lower ones when a person bite down ) that could READ MORE
Sometimes when hygienists place sealants, they put an amount that could affect occlusion ( when upper teeth get in contact with lower ones when a person bite down ) that could lead to a premature contact and hyperemia or reversal irritation if tooth nerve and the become sensitive to cold stuff. But once the dentist remove the high spots by adjusting occlusion in 48 hours things go back to normal.

How to treat inflamed gums at home?

For the time being till you get your dental appointment. Just keep your regular oral hygiene by flossing, brushing, and using mouthwash. Also, use 3% hydrogen peroxide with warm READ MORE
For the time being till you get your dental appointment. Just keep your regular oral hygiene by flossing, brushing, and using mouthwash. Also, use 3% hydrogen peroxide with warm water as a mouth rinse twice a day.

Is root canal the only way to treat a tooth cavity?

When the decay reaches to the nerve of the tooth (bad cavity), the tooth starts to be sensitive to hot, cold, and sweet, and the pain becomes severe and intolerable. Then, root READ MORE
When the decay reaches to the nerve of the tooth (bad cavity), the tooth starts to be sensitive to hot, cold, and sweet, and the pain becomes severe and intolerable. Then, root canal treatment is necessary.

Are braces the only way to fix buck teeth?

There is another way of fixing this problem if you do not want to show braces. Consider having clear aligners or Invisalign. They are very effective and very aesthetic.

What can sensitive teeth mean?

You might be grinding your teeth while asleep. We call it bruxism. It makes the teeth sensitive to cold stuff. This situation gets worse when the patient is stressed out. Please READ MORE
You might be grinding your teeth while asleep. We call it bruxism. It makes the teeth sensitive to cold stuff. This situation gets worse when the patient is stressed out. Please consider looking at it by your dentist.

Can teeth grinding cause headaches?

Yes, indeed. There is correlation between tension type of headaches and bruxism or grinding teeth while asleep due to the formation of trigger points in the muscles of mastication READ MORE
Yes, indeed. There is correlation between tension type of headaches and bruxism or grinding teeth while asleep due to the formation of trigger points in the muscles of mastication and the other muscles of head and neck. Consider having a night guard (lab design) ordered by your dentist, not an over-the-counter one.