“husbands new onset seizure and agression”
3 months ago my husband had a seizure while we were moving. He was loading furniture by himself and he got very angry then had a seizure and was unconcious for about 3 minnutes but never stopped breathing. He went to the ER and all the workup ( CT scan, blood work, urine, ekg) was all normal. He has not had any seizures since, but he now has abnormal emotions. He gets very mad very fast and i can not calm him down, the anger then turns into sadness and he cries a lot. He is very frusterated with this as its causing alot of anxiety at home with the anger, and hes affraid this may happen at work since he seems to have no control. My question is will this even get better? He does not want to go to therapy but im trying to convince him that it may be best. He has DM2 and HTN but no other medical conditions, hes 38 and weighs 230 pounds, non smoker doesnt drink much. We still cant figure out why he had a seizure and if he is at risk for another one, but the biggest battle right now is the anger. He goes from 0 to hulk in seconds over very minor things that would have never bothered him before. I am a nurse but i am at a loss on how to help and why this is happening. Thank you so much
Male | 38 years old
Complaint duration: 3 months
Conditions: no significant