Hepatologist Questions Hepatologist

I am confused about my liver enzymes?

I'm age 59 and have been a daily drinker for years. Never during the day, just at night, but every night always with food. I have been cutting back or eliminating sugars, flour, carbs and fasting also. I have lost weight and am now in the healthy range. For most of those years I was 20-25 pounds overweight but my BMI is 25 now and is still 10 pounds overweight. I don't exercise much. My cholesterol since I started doing this a few months ago is 144 with 90HDL and 45LDL. glucose is 87, protein went down from 8 to 6.9. Triglycerides dropped from up to 140 down to 49.

But, I was tested 4 months ago and found elevated ALT and AST. The ALT went from 35 a few years ago, up to 66 four months ago. then last week now at 74. My AST went from 29 a few years ago, to 46 four months ago, and now 56 my albumin has not changed at all and is 4.5. The ALP went from 58 four months ago to 89 now. But the Bilirubin went down from 1.1 to .08 Plus I did a GGT test and it was normal at 31.

The odd thing is I have records from 2010 and the alt and ast and alp were all similar high numbers like the way they are now, but then steadily dropped over the next 8 years. So my question is I have elevated alt and ast but the rest is normal. but I do consume 2 vodka martini's a night plus a few small scotches after dinner. So if I had some form of liver problems why is the GGT normal, the ALP well in the normal range and I don't have that high ratio of AST to ALT that is supposed to indicate liver problems?
I have been taking milk thistle and vit C and am eating way more vegetables etc but the two liver enzyme numbers still went up from 4 months ago.

Male | 59 years old
Complaint duration: 4 months
Medications: blood pressure meds
Conditions: mild high blood pressure

1 Answer

It is always a good idea to keep alcohol consumption moderate. Remember that frequent use of  acetaminophen containing products have been show to cause significant liver trouble. I would also keep an eye on your cholesterol as hyperlipidemia, especially triglycerides, can cause significant elevated liver enzymes. You should a discussion with your PCP about possible imaging.