“I brush my teeth 2x a day, why do I still have bad breath?”
I have no broken teeth, and I believe I have no cavities, but even if I brush my teeth twice a day I still have bad breath? What could this be?
8 Answers
A complete exam should be performed, cavities, gum disease, dry mouth syndrome and health issues may result in bad breath.
Not brushing the very back of your tongue can cause this as this is where the sulfur emitting bacteria hide.
Bad breath can be related multiple different things such as digestive system, lungs. etc, please visit your physician and dentist.
Bad breath has many reasons
1.you might have some active gum disease
2.you might have strong acid reflux
3.you might have gum disease on a wisdom tooth or an infection
4.maybe the quality of your brushing is not goods ,brushing your tongue with a mouth scraper might help you
I recommend to see your dentist for a fresh breath consultation
1.you might have some active gum disease
2.you might have strong acid reflux
3.you might have gum disease on a wisdom tooth or an infection
4.maybe the quality of your brushing is not goods ,brushing your tongue with a mouth scraper might help you
I recommend to see your dentist for a fresh breath consultation