Dentist Questions Canker Sores

I have canker sores, what can I do?

My dentist diagnosed canker sores on my tongue and after 2 weeks they are still not healed. How long do they take to heal? Is there anything that I can do at home to treat them?

5 Answers

Keeping your mouth clean and there are prescription medication that help. There is also Laser therapy that reduces the pain greatly and speeds up the healing process by at least half.


Dr. Farzad
Typically it takes at least 2 weeks for symptoms to abate. Further healing time is needed for them to totally resolve. They are viral in cause and there is no magic pill that can prevent them. A topical application of Debacterol (chemical cautery) by Northern Research, comes in unit doses of 12, and will usually relieve the pain/discomfort from canker sores. It does not make them heal any faster but the discomfort goes away. Your dentist will need to call in the Rx.
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Cancer sores have different etiology. Immune system plays major part in those. Laser aphtous ulcers (cancer sores) treatment called laser bandage has been helpful in the last decade. You can use that type of treatment offered by dentists who have that type of laser.
Usually, 2 weeks should be enough. You may get a second opinion. If it persists, maybe a periodontist (gum specialist) might help.
Canker sores are related to the Herpesvirus and your weakened immune system. You can take supplements to boost your immune system. Your dentist will be able to help you expedite healing and prescribe proper treatment.