“If my gums bleed, does it always mean a disease?”
Lately, when I brush my teeth, I've been noticing some bleeding along my gums. Not too much, and there's really no pain to it at all. My mom thinks that this could mean that I need a new toothbrush. Could this be true? There was really no symptoms, other than the bleeding.
4 Answers
Bleeding is a sign of inflammation. Although it does not indicate disease, it is a precursor to periodontal disease. If your gums are bleeding it may mean that you need a new toothbrush, however, this may also indicate poor oral hygiene technique. I recommend doscussing technique with your dental professional.
Normally, gums don't bleed. Most likely, it's initial inflammation of the gum. You will never get better advice in your life than your mom's, but when you have a dental question, better ask a dentist.