OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions Contraception

What can I do to improve my chances of getting pregnant?

My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for about 6 months now, and have not had any luck. What can I do to improve my chances of getting pregnant?

5 Answers

Relax, 6 months is early days, but if you are desperate, see GP/OB/GYN for a physical and take your husband.
First of all, a couple is not considered to have a fertility problem until they have been actively trying for at least 1 year. So, try to relax and not worry. If your cycles are regular it is easier to know when you ovulate. Ovulation occurs 2 weeks BEFORE the first day of your period always. So, if your cycles are 28 days, ovulation occurs on day 14; if your cycles are 32 days, then ovulation occurs on day 18 of your cycle (the first day of your period is day one). Once the egg is released, it is viable for 24 hours. Sperm are viable for 72 hours. So, you can conceive 3 days before to 1 day after you ovulate. This way you can calculate on the calendar your “fertile week” and concentrate your efforts then.

I hope this helps you and good luck!
Try to do over-the-counter ovulation kits and see whether you are ovulating or not. Also, you can see your ob/gyn to check your hormonal profile.
If you are having regular periods and are otherwise healthy, I would give this a few more months. You may want to buy ovulation predictor kits (any drug store has these) so you know when your fertility is highest.
Do not over do it! Follow the monthly cycle and try to schedule intercourse around the time of ovulation