“How can I increase my metabolism rate through naturopathy?”
I am putting on a lot of weight and I am wondering if it is due to some issues with my metabolism. Can I increase it through naturopathic methods?
9 Answers
Metabolic issues can have a wide range of underlying causes. Digging into your history and doing some specialty testing can be very helpful in determining what these causes are and how to address them.
First the root cause of the weight gain needs to be identified - thyroid, stress, immune dysfunction, metabolic issues.
Get your thyroid checked first. Your thyroid controls your metabolism. Exercise could also help you.
Hi! Thanks for your question. Yes! Metabolism, thyroid function, stress, hormones, poor sleep (number of hours and/or quality of sleep), diet, exercise - these are the most common issues/areas that can lead to weight gain and difficulty losing weight, and they can all be addressed through naturopathic care.
Because Naturopathic doctors look at the whole person, we can help you identify if it is purely a dietary issue or if hormones are also affecting metabolism.
You can take acetyl L carnitine, have 2 fasting days a week where you fast for 16-18 hours and cut carbs right down. You have have fat metabolism issues so looking at methylation may be important. See www.mthfrsupport.com.au
You can increase the metabolism on your own through healthy diet and exercise, but making sure the thyroid is functioning properly requires the help of a physician. Addressing the hypothalamus is an important piece as well.
Look at the GUT health. That means the stomach: pepsin peristalsis and absorption and acidity. Then small intestine: bile absorption, peristalsis and Colon: peristalsis, absorption bacteria. Look at all carbodydrates from glucose, fructose. lectin etc. The best thing for you that will help all the GUT is FASTING. NOTHING TO ESAT EXCEPT 2 LITERS OF WATER AND ORGANIC CHICKEN BRTH FROM 1-4 DAYS/ MONTH UNTIL IDEAL WEIGHT ACHIEVE.. But I advice you have the care or practitioner to be sure that you are otherwise without serious health issues