Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist) Questions Ingrown Toenail

I think I have an ingrown toenail. What does this usually look like?

What does an ingrown toenail look like? My big toe has been hurting me a lot lately, and it looks like I have one, but I can't really be too sure.

18 Answers

Red Swelling warm painful drainage nail and cuticle. Please consult my office ASAP.
With an ingrown toenail, a piece of the nail is curved and poking into the skin. The toe around the nail becomes red sore and swollen and often there will be some pus that drains out of it.
Ingrown toenails can present in a lot of different ways. To begin with they can just be a painful area on the edge of your toe where the toenail meets the skin.
As the pain and irritation continue There develops redness and increased pain and swelling and sometimes pus can be noted coming from the area. If this is still not treated then a granuloma can develop which is a large bulbous area on the side of the toenail that can have a bad smell to it and actually has some dead tissue. This needs to be treated and care for.
Pain swelling of the entire toe or part of the toe, odor, fluid draining from the toe.

Redness, pain, swelling, and drainage in either corner.
If it's swelling or draining, red, or painful, usually it is an ingrown toenail. This will progress if left untreated into a severe infection in most patients. Bone is just under the toenail bed and it can infect the bone and spread, which I have seen before.
Ingrown toenails looks like: the edge or corner of the the nail burrows into the skin adjacent to the nail. The skin border becomes red, sometimes swells, and is painful to touch. Most commonly affected ingrown toenail is the big toe. If you start to feel pain while walking or wearing shoes, and you notice the corner of the toe is turning red, chances are it's probably an ingrown toenail.

Red, swollen, painful.
The skin edge next to the nail may become tender and swollen. You may see some redness in this area. Pushing on the edge of the nail may cause discomfort. If infection gets into the toe, may see pus coming from the nail border.
When a toenail is ingrown, it is curved and grows into the skin, usually at the nail borders (the sides of the nail). This digging in of the nail irritates the skin, often creating pain, redness, swelling, and warmth in the toe. If an ingrown nail causes a break in the skin, bacteria may enter and cause an infection in the area, which is often marked by drainage and a foul odor. However, even if the toe is not painful, red, swollen or warm, a nail that curves downward into the skin can progress to an infection. Please visit a podiatrist near your home for your ingrown nail examination and treatment.
Typical findings include, swelling, redness, and tenderness to touch. The area around the nail may appear puffy. Sometimes, drainage that is red or yellow can also be present.
Pain alongside the nail increased with pressure, sometimes accompanied by redness, swelling, and/or drainage.
Hello and thanks for your question. An ingrown nail will typically present as redness, swelling, and pain along the nail fold. Sometimes if the infection has progressed, there will be drainage from the affected side of the nail. For patients with an infected ingrown nail or paronychia, I recommend a quick in-office procedure.

I wish you luck and God bless.
Most likely, you probably have one and there’re ways to make sure it never comes back. Have an X-ray to make sure there is no underlying bone spur. Until your appointment, soak in epsom salt and apply bacitracin.
Ingrown toenail can have many different appearances. Sometimes there is redness, swelling, and even drainage. Sometimes you can palpate the portion of the nail that is ingrowing and when you push on it causes pain.

Jonathan M. Kletz, DPM

An ingrown nail is the result of a nail invading the skin of the toes. It usually occurs on the big toe nails. Ingrown nails can be very painful, become swollen, red and infected. It is best to seek medical attention form a podiatrist. Trying to remove it your self can make it worse.
Ingrown toenails are an incurvation of a nail corner resulting in local pain and inflammation of the surrounding skin. These frequently affect the great toe. If allowed to persist they can become locally infected with increasing redness, drainage and exuberant granulation tissue. In the early stages these can frequently be managed with local medical care hi performance of warm water baths with antibacterial soap or Epsom salts. If permitted to advance and not getting better oftentimes these do require surgical removal. On occasion systemic antibiotics are also given by mouth.
Ingrown toenails don’t necessarily have a “look.” If the toe is painful surrounding the border of the nail, especially if you press it, it is an ingrown nail. In the early stages the skin surrounding the nail looks normal. The longer the nail remains in the skin you can begin to see redness, warmth, swelling, and even pus formation. The sooner the ingrown nail is taken out you can avoid antibiotic use for an infection that can form. Don’t try to perform the ingrown removal yourself. This can make the situation worse. Go to a local Podiatrist.