Dentist Questions Dentist

Is a root canal treatment safe?

I am a 28 year old female and I will have a root canal. Is a root canal treatment safe?

9 Answers

Yes. Root canals can help to save teeth and the tooth’s surroundings bone if done well and the teeth are fixed afterwards.
Yes if it is done by a professional and following the proper steps.
A root canal is very safe when the standard of care protocol is maintaine.
Completely safe. In many cases, it is the only way to save the tooth.
A root canal is safe if done correctly. Make sure a gotta percha filling is done on the roots. This filling has the best track record of success. Making sure the tooth is not cracker before hand also helps. As with all things in life, there is a small percentage of people who do not tolerate root canal fillings. If a root canal is done on posterior teeth, a crown is a must, or you run the risk of breaking the tooth and all that money spent on saving the tooth will be for nothing.
A root canal is totally safe, as long as it is done by a competent professional. Many root canals, especially molars on back teeth with multiple canals, are best served being done by a specialist, an endodontist. Most of them have a microscope to look into the tooth and find all the canals! But root canals can and do fail, but that rate is very low - less than 2%.

All the best,   

Dr. Susan Fredericks
Yes it is a safe procedure when done professionally and properly.