Psychologist Questions Psychologist

Is anxiety all in your head?

I am a 27 year old male who suffers from anxiety. Is anxiety all in your head?

5 Answers

No, not necessarily. Anxiety can be medically driven such as hyperthyroidism, heart disease, respiratory disorder, or diabetes. It can also come from other sources such as too much caffeine, medication side-effects, or drug withdrawal.
Well, it is generated by your brain, which is certainly in your head, but it is a real feeling that affects your body as a whole - stomach, heart, muscles, skin….So, when anxiety limits your enjoyment, get some help and some tools to reduce/eliminated it! Speak to your doctor and get a referral – psychologist, hypnotherapist, even a meditation teacher may help. Or more than one of these. Life with limited anxiety is so much better!


Dr. Marian Kaplun Shapiro
Anxiety is a legitimate condition, which is treatable. There is no need for you to suffer; anxiety can take many different forms, e.g. general, panic attacks, phobias, ruminations, etc. It can also be accompanied with physical symptoms. Please schedule an appointment with a therapist or psychologist to assess and treat your anxiety. In this time of pandemic, most therapists are doing video appts, which are just as effective as in-office sessions. For more information on anxiety and its treatment, please see my article:
I wish you all the best with your anxiety :-)
Anxiety can have some biological factors, stress reactions, learned reactions, and substance reactions (caffeine or stimulants). Treatment focusing on cognitive behavioral therapy can be effective.

See following link - should provide some insight