“Is a chiropractor good for scoliosis?”
I'm 35, and I have scoliosis. I'm looking for treatment that can help me, other than using a brace. Is a chiropractor good for scoliosis treatment?
7 Answers
Chiropractic usually gets great results with scoliosis, especially when combined with braces and strengthening exercises.
Some chiropractors can help manage scoliosis cases, others may not be able to do much more than help manage symptoms. Our clinic has helped many patients successfully reduce the severity of their scoliosis. For more information about how chiropractic can help with scoliosis, visit www.clear-institute.org.
Dr. Jake Tucker
Dr. Jake Tucker
Yes, I have taken care of many patients with scoliosis. It will not straighten your spine, but will keep your nervous system functioning at its best.