Psychiatrist Questions Depression

Is depression a sign of madness?

My brother is showing all the signs and symptoms of depression. He underwent a heavy loss at work and since then has been behaving erratic. Is depression seen as a sign of madness? How can I help him deal with the situation?

9 Answers

I don't know what 'madness' is but depression is definitely a mental disorder but it responds well to therapy and medication.
I don't know if he's drinking. Ask if he'd like to talk with someone.
People who suffer from severe depression may have psychotic features such as delusions, auditory hallucinations, which will improve with treatment. A condition called Bipolar Disorder, used to be called manic Depressive Disorder, has depression with psychotic features also which will improve with the right medications and therapy.
Going through major stress in life can make a person react very differently. Encourage him to seek help.
This sounds like a classical "reactive" depression; it should still receive medical screening. Your brother's LMD may choose to follow up (in the absence of physical findings) with an antidepressant or may refer to a psychiatrist. You can best help by keeping track, supplying bridging info (appropriately) to family and supplying supplementary family history of illness including alcohol use or abuse. Your willingness to be of help is likely to be well received by all and sundry.
Depression is NOT a sign of madness. It is an illness just like any other medical illness and is very well treatable. Some people with depression become reclusive and some erratic. All it takes is to see a doctor, get a proper diagnosis, and get treated. After good treatment, most people can function very well in their lives.
If your brother is showing signs and symptoms of depression, I recommend encouraging him to seek help as soon as possible. He can start with his primary care provider or directly request a referral to see a mental health provider.
Pleas do not use the word " Madness" and irritate the patient. Psychiatric evaluation and appropriate treatment helps the situation.
Madness or psychosis is a major break with reality, and may include hallucinations and delusions. Depression can be so severe that it reaches psychotic proportions, and should be treated as a psychiatric emergency. His depression is a reaction a response to an overwhelming stress. He may be traumatized and not know it. The biochemistry of trauma involves the freeze response, the third survival mechanism after fight and flight. A person who is still traumatized may feel emotionally numb, emotionally immobilized, and disconnected from self and others.