Dermatologist Questions Dermatologist Visit

Is eczema a long-term issue?

I am a 32 year old male and I have painful eczema. Is eczema a long-term issue?

3 Answers

This is a chronic condition if it has not abated in the twenties, but there are excellent treatments that can provide relief. See a board certified dermatologist.
Yes. It usually is a mix of genetics, age, and environment and since these are either forever or long term contributors, so does eczema tend to be a long term condition. But remember, if you have a spot of "eczema" that will not go away with lotion, it might not be eczema and it should be checked by a Dermatologist.
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Simplest answer, probably yes. Most people deal with certain types of eczema for their lifetime depending on environment and circumstances. Please visit your dermatologist to get more recommendations and for your yearly skin exams.