Surgeon Questions surgeon

Is gallbladder surgery painful?

I am a 48 year old female and I will have gallbladder surgery. Is gallbladder surgery painful?

5 Answers

For most people, if done laparoscopically, pain is mild
All surgical procedures are painful.
Generally, not very painful, if done laparoscopically. But, if situation demands open surgery, it HURTS!
Pain is very subjective, meaning degree of pain is very variable between people. Typically, laparoscopic gallbladder surgery, if done without complications, has relatively minimal pain and is done as outpatient. Pain is usually well managed with short-term use of oral narcotics.
A cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal) is typically a well-tolerated procedure. I prescribe 5 days of narcotics for my patients, and seldomly do patients take all of the pills. Rarely do patients ask for a refill. The first week may be uncomfortable but it does get better.