Anesthesiologist Questions C-Section (Cesarean Birth)

Is general anesthesia during a C-section safe?

I'm going to have a c-section, but I want this to be under general anesthesia. Is this safe?

2 Answers

For cesarean section, we recommend regional anesthesia, i.e., spinal or epidural. First cause of maternal death in obstetric anesthesia is failure to control airway or intubation. With massive aspiration of gastric content. And also we avoid exposing the newborn to drugs and anesthetics.
General anesthesia for an elective C-section (non-emergent) is safe in the hands of a qualified anesthesiologist. The anesthesiologist will examine you with extra attention to your airway before inducing anesthesia. You will not be able to drink or eat for up to 8 hours before surgery. You may be given oral or intravenous drugs before anesthesia to buffer the acidity in your stomach. Your significant other will probably be allowed to sit at your side.  
Wishing you a wonderful birthing experience!