Cardiothoracic Surgeon Questions Heart Valve Replacement

Is heart valve replacement surgery safe?

I'm 50 years old, and I have a heart valve replacement surgery next week. Is this surgery generally safe? What's the success rate?

7 Answers

Heart valve surgery is very safe nowadays with excellent results.
Generally, the success rate is excellent for someone your age with risk of death being less than 1%. However, each patient is different, and the individual risk depends on the type of valve surgery and the other pre existing medical conditions. Good luck with your surgery. Your surgeon should be the best person to give you an accurate assessment of the risk.
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It’s safe
Not knowing much about your history, generally, heart valve surgery is safe. Issues include which valve is being addressed; valve replacement or valve repair; if valve replacement, what type of valve will be used; and standard sternotomy of less invasive incisions.
Likely yes. Depends on your heart function before surgery. If your EF (election fraction) is normal (55%+), you should have minimal problems, but that also depends on your other medical issues. Obesity, diabetes, kidney problems, and smoking among others will increase your risks. If you smoke, be off cigarettes at least 48 hours before and you cut your risks by 50%.
Good luck.