Cardiothoracic Surgeon Questions Heart Valve Replacement

Is heart valve replacement surgery dangerous?

My father is 60 years old, and he's going to have heart valve replacement surgery. He's going to have an open heart surgery, but he's acting like the surgery is not serious. Is this kind of surgery dangerous?

4 Answers

It's serious surgery, but over the years, it has become less risky. As a surgeon, I attributed 3 reasons for a bad outcome: the unpredictability of biological systems, an act of God like a tornado hitting the OR, or pilot error like you forgot to put the wheels down before you landed. The first two no one has control over; the last one just never happens in this day of great training, evolved expertise, and experience. I predict he will do fine. Even though the prospect is terrifying.
Heart valve surgery is a very common surgery with small risk of complications. Most patients recover within a month.
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It is a major surgery. Complications include bleeding infection & death in the O R & afterwards.
I do not know much about your father's history, what valve surgery he is having, etc., but overall heart valve surgery is safe. There are risks which were explained to your father. Patients with poor heart function and emergency surgeries do increase the risks.