Orthodontist Questions Orthodontist

Is Invisalign worth the money?

I am a 22 year old female. I want to get the Invisalign treatment. Is Invisalign worth the money?

10 Answers

I tell my patients a great smile and your education are only a few things that last a lifetime. So, I believe yes.
I guess that depends on how much it costs vs how unhappy you are with your smile. I have seen patients totally transform their personalities when they went from a bad smile to a good one. Patient satisfaction with Invisalign is very high.
There are many ways to straighten your teeth with various techniques that cost less and are more effective. Sometimes even braces are less costly and less time to treat.
Absolutely! But like anything in life, maintenance is the key. If you don't use your retainers for the rest of your life religiously, you will have relapse. Every case is different and Invisalign helps with just about 95% of cases I have treated but retainers are the most valuable part of treatment--no retainers, no long term success. It's like losing a ton of weight and to celebrate you go to an all you can eat buffet--counterproductive. :)
Invisalign has come a long way and now can treat many diverse cases. The dentist/orthodontist should have experience for the more complicated cases. But in my experience, Invisalign works quite well depending on the severity of crowding and what the diagnosis is.
Hope this helps.
Yes, if it is done correctly by a trained clinician who has taken the course or if you use an orthodontist. You need to be sure you are a candidate for Invisalign.
Invisalign is an excellent choice for Orthodontic treatment for many reasons. It can be very reasonable, depending on the office. Many general dentists offer Invisalign and also can have a lot of experience and success doing so. In an ortho office, it can be priced high as a comparison to conventional wires and brackets, but a general dentist that only may offer Invisalign, it might be very reasonable for you.
Any type of aligner treatment that is managed by an orthodontist should succeed in giving you a desired result if you value an attractive smile and healthy mouth. Of all the things you wear your smile is the most valuable. Orthodontic fees are fair and not overpriced if you are pleased with the result and long term benefit.

Invisalign can be costly, even to dentist it is costly. However, it does have a lot of pros to Invisalign. First off, you can take the aligners out of the whenever you eat. This means that you have less things on your teeth to catch food and hold it between your teeth. It also means that you clean your teeth between meals which keeps the food out of your teeth and have lesser chance of getting cavities by the time you are done. Secondly, they are generally really quick. People get treatment times of 6 months or less sometimes. This is 6 months of having aligners on your teeth that people only notice if they are looking for them. Additionally, you are supposed to wear the aligners for 22 hours a day which means you tend to snack less due to not wanting to have to take your aligners out all the time. This could be a pro for some people. Finally, with traditional braces, the risk for root resorption (where the root of your tooth wears away from under the gum without you knowing it) is a lot higher than with Invisalign.
Hope this helps.

My best to you!

William F. Scott IV, DMD