“Is it normal to be really tired after anesthesia? ”
I'm 50, and I just had surgery done with general anesthesia. But now I'm feeling a lot more tired than usual. This feeling started a day after the surgery, so last week. Is this normal?
1 Answer
Surgery and anesthesia is often dealt with as if all general anesthetics and all surgeries are the same. Specifics always help answer the question more completely. With this said, general anesthesia effects multiple organ systems, it is not simply "going to sleep" and waking up. There is also no recipe to anesthesia as patients differ in the medications they take regularly and drugs they use like alcohol, THC, and nicotine. Also, surgical and patient needs vary. There are typically two drugs that are longer acting and can certainly have an effect on the patient after surgery. Having had surgery many times myself, I speak from experience as an anesthesiologist and a patient.