Pulmonologist Questions Pulmonologist

Is it normal to have a cough for 3 weeks?

My 14 year old son has had a cough for 3 weeks. Is it normal to have a cough for 3 weeks?

4 Answers

Prolonged cough can result from a viral URI/bronchitis, asthma/bronchospasm, acid reflux, chronic sinusitis, and post nasal drip
It is not unusual for viral infections such as bronchitis to last 3 weeks. However, by that time it should be mostly improved. If he is not improved, he should be evaluated.
Most upper respiratory infection related coughs go away before 3 weeks but some can continue. if your son is sick in any other way he should see a doctor. if not sick, treat symptomatically (with cough syrup for children) and watch. if he is coughing for another week, then to the doctor, who will check for bronchitis, for asthma and for other causes.
Yes. Cough is first to come and last to go. Usually 2-4 weeks. See the doctor or nurse right away if your child:

●Is younger than 4 months old
●Is having trouble breathing, has noisy breathing, or is breathing very fast
●Gets a cough after he or she choked on food or another object, even if he or she choked on the object days or weeks ago
●Is coughing up blood, or yellow or green mucus
●Refuses to drink anything for a long time
●Has a fever and is not acting like him- or herself
●Is coughing so hard that he or she vomits
●Has had the cough for more than 3-4 weeks and is not getting any better