Anesthesiologist Questions Anesthesiologist

Is it okay to be sleepy after anesthesia?

I am a 32 year old male. I want to know if it is okay to be sleepy after anesthesia?

5 Answers

Modern surgery and anesthesia are stressful and often disturb normal sleep cycles soe several days. Also, post-op pain medications can cause sleepiness.
Yes, as you still have medication in your system for at least 18 to 24 hours.
During the first 24 hrs it is normal to be sleepy.
Yes, it is very common to be sleepy after anesthesia. We have had tremendous progress with short acting drugs for anesthesia so patients can function and wake up more rapidly, however, even with the shortest acting anesthetic, it is common to remain sleepy throughout the rest of the day and we do no recommend making any major decisions during that time frame.
Okay, could happen.