OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions Type 1 Diabetes

Is it safe for diabetics to have children?

I'm a 28 year old woman with type 1 diabetes, and I want to have a child. Is childbearing safe for diabetics?

3 Answers

Yes! Pregnancy is not contraindicated in either type of diabetes. Now what we recommend is that your glucose is optimally controlled before pregnancy. This will help avoid any pregnancy complications such as miscarriage or hypoglycemia on the newborn. Also tight controlled during the pregnancy is the safest for you and your baby.
Yes, but you need proper control of diabetes during pregnancy and after, and you need to see a gynecologist who deals with high-risk pregnancies.
Yes if you have a good DR. who knows how to manage diabetes during pregnancy. In the past, we didn't have the tools to manage the diabetes well & we discouraged pregnancy (even sterilizing some women). We know better now and have better tools. I have managed many women with Type 1 diabetes through pregnancy with beautiful babies. You need a knowledgeable endo. with experience with diabetic preg. working as a team with an ob. who is trained in diabetes management. With such a team you should do well & have a beautiful baby. Send me a picture! I love to see nice babies from mothers with diabetes. Have fun!