Hematologist-Oncologist Questions Hematologist-Oncologist

Is low white blood count serious?

I am a 33 year old male. I have low white blood count. Is low white blood count serious?

3 Answers

It depends! There are many causes of low white blood cells, many of which are benign, and some of which are serious. It also depends on which subtype of white blood cells are affected, to what extent, and in what context. If this is a persistent concern, I recommend a consultation with a Hematologist.
There are many causes of low white blood cells and the seriousness would depend on the extent and cell type involved (there are several different white blood cells). You should see a hematologist for a full evaluation.
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It depends how low the blood count is. Normally a low count is not a significant problem but if it is too low you can be at risk for serious infections.