Dermatologist Questions Dry skin

Is peeling a sign of dry skin?

The skin on my hands and feet peels every once in a while. Is this just a matter of dry skin, or is there another problem? I try to moisturize them as often as I can.

6 Answers

It is hard to answer this without examining your skin. There is a condition call Keratolysis Exfoliativa that leads to occasional peeling of hands and soles. This is not caused by anything in particular and usually resolves on its own.
Peeling skin certainly can be a sign of dry skin but it can also occur for other reasons so please ask your local Dermatologist what the cause is.
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Should not present a problem. Can be caused by exposure to any number of chemicals and or solvents. Moisturize regularly.
It can be due to many things. Viral syndromes, chemical exposure, over washing hands, allergic or fungal reactions. You need to see your dermatologist.

Suzanne Sirota Rozenberg, DO, FAOCD, FAAD
It may be a sign of more than just dry skin, you should definitely schedule an appointment with your Dermatologist to get further evaluated.
Yes, this can be a matter of dry skin. In worse cases, this could be a sign of eczema or psoriasis. You will need to see a dermatologist to get prescribed a cream. You can try Cetaphil lotions or hydrocortisone 3%. Also, depending if you are touching or using something that your hands are allergic to.
Hope this helps.