Ophthalmologist Questions Eye flashes

Is seeing flashes bad?

I am 24 year old female with ok vision who sometimes seems flashes. Is seeing flashes bad?

12 Answers

Floaters and flashes can be signs of a serious condition like a detached retina. A complete ophthalmologic exam with a dilated fundus examination should be performed.

Flashes are called photopsias. Multiple reasons: ophthalmic migraines versus from retinal traction or vitreous separation. Best to have a thorough retinal check.
Assuming you have had a full eye examination including dilation to make sure your retinas are intact, occasional flashes may be normal, but retinal tears need to be ruled out first.
A very short duration flash without floaters and in a relatively normal sized eye is rarely of any significance. Longer duration flashes or id associated with floaters can be a sign of serious eye problem.

Seeing flashes could be a sign of a retinal issue (hole or tear), vitreous issue (vitreous peeling away), an ophthalmic migraine or other issue. I advise you to see your ophthalmologist for a dilated eye examination.
Seeing flashes should be checked with a full dilated eye exam making sure there are no tears in your retina or retinal detachment. Sometimes flashes can be migraines of the eye. These usually last 10 to 20 minutes then returns to normal.
Seeing flashes can be a common happening with many people.  It should be checked out by an eye care provider to insure that there is no retinal problem.  It can be a sign of a form of migraine even without a headache but your eye care provider should still see you. 
Not necessarily, but you should have your retina checked to make sure there are no problems.

It could be a retinal problem or a migraine aura, 2 of the most common causes at your age. Other causes are rare but important to rule out. You should see an ophthalmologist for a complete eye exam soon.

Mark F. Pyfer, MD
It can be. Do not delay. Go see an ophthalmologist for a complete retina exam.
Best of luck.

Yes, if it’s a retinal problem. Otherwise, you can see flashes in ocular migraines, too.
Flashes are due to vitreous traction on the retina. If there is visual field defect, see an ophthalmologist immediately. Otherwise observe and check each eye regularly.