Otolaryngology | Facial Plastic Surgery Questions Rhinoplasty

Is there an age requirement for a rhinoplasty?

I'm only 17 years old, but I want to change the shape of my nose. I've been doing my own research on rhinoplasties, and I'm sure that this is what I want. Do I have to be a certain age for this though, even with my mom's permission?

13 Answers

Most plastic surgeons, myself included, will perform rhinoplasty on a female beginning at age 15 and on a male beginning at age 16. At these ages the nasal bones and the nose in general is virtually completely developed. Before age 18 however parental permission and consent would be required
Usually not younger than 16 for a female and 18 for a male. There is no upper limit if the person is in good health and has a real problem with a realistic expectation. Usually, men older than 50 are to be given special consideration as their motivations and expectations.
I would not do rhinoplasty until at least 16 ears of age because your nose may not be done growing. By 18 you are definitely safe.
It is a well accepted fact that 16-year-old females and 18-year-old male patients are mature for nasal surgery, so, lots of luck.
The development of the nose needs to be completed prior to rhinoplasty. It is usually 16 years for girls and 18 years for boys. However some children have developmental delays and should wait longer. It is an individual decision
As long as you have your other signing your consents, you can have a rhinoplasty at 17 years of age.
No, you can certainly go ahead with the surgery with your mom’s permission.

Most likely, reshaping your nose at 17 years old would be okay. There are several questions to answer with two prominent questions, 1. Are you sure you want to change your look? 2. Are your nose and face finished growing? It is reasonable to consult with a surgeon to get a full exam and answer all your questions prior to making a decision on surgery.
I hope this helps.

Dr. Jason Stubbs
There are many reasons why some people may consider a rhinoplasty. For example, congenital abnormalities, traumatic injury to the nose, aesthetic contour issues, or even skin cancer. Regardless of the reason, the issue is to consider what is important to you as the patient seeking this procedure. If you are under the age of 18, parental consent is required for surgical procedures. Alternatively, you may consider waiting until you are able to make the decision on your own.
At 17, if you are a boy, or 16 for a girl, while you indeed need your parents' approval, your nose has virtually reached its adult size and can be operated on without issues. Correcting a nose is trying to harmonize the different parts of the nose, such as the bridge or hump and tip within themselves or to make the nose blend with the other facial features. I would recommend a plastic surgeon with experience and also preview of his/her plan by computer imaging.

Dr. Christian Drehsen, MD

You can do the surgery at this age with your mom's approval.
Thank you for your question. At 17, and with your parent’s permission, you should have no problems undergoing a rhinoplasty. It is, however, a conversation to have with the treating surgeon.

Luis A. Laurentin-Perez, MD PhD