“Is there a cure for toenail fungus?”
I've got a toenail fungus. I've tried the over the counter treatments and it hasn't even affected it. Is there a cure for toenail fungus?
18 Answers
Toenail fungus or onychomycosis can be very difficult to resolve. This is based both on the nature of the organism as well as the anatomy that is involved. Fungal care is essentially achieving an infection free state of the tissue. Clinical care is achieving similar outcome, but with restoration of normal-appearing anatomy. Unfortunately clinical cure can be far more difficult to achieve. Our nails are considered part of the integumentary system which includes the skin. Not unlike the skin any type of trauma be physical or infectious may cause scarring. Chronic infection with a fungus can cause scarring of the nail plate that does not permit for regeneration of a normal healthy appearing nail. Currently all treatments be it with medication, laser therapy, light therapy and surgical removal all have demonstrated limited clinical cure rates. At present the most effective treatment is an oral systemic agent, but again clinical cure rates remain somewhat low and there is a high degree of recidivism.
The OTC (over-the-counter) anti-fungals for nails are worthless. So are athlete’s foot creams. There are now several treatments that work well. Oral Lamasil is safe and effective as long as you have a healthy liver. Topically, Formula 7 (only available at podiatrists’ offices) works well and is inexpensive. Kerydin and Jublia also work well, but they are only available through Rx and have rather high copayments. Laser treatments are expensive and have had poor results.
There are treatments for fungal nails; over the counter and prescription. However, there is no 100% cure for fungal nails. The oral medication (Lamisil) has the highest cure rate of 70%. Response to medication also depends on the progression of the fungal infection. Generally, people who have early changes in the nail tend to respond better to treatment. I would suggest going to your local Podiatrist for an evaluation. They can take nail cultures as well to confirm the diagnosis of fungus. Sometimes the nail changes are due to trauma and that can mimic a fungal infection.
Yes, there is a cure for toenail fungus. Sometimes requires oral medication. I would make an appointment to see a podiatrist and have a toenail biopsied to make sure it is a fungus.
Jonathan M. Kletz, DPM
Jonathan M. Kletz, DPM
Hello. You have three treatment options: oral antifungal therapy, topical antifungal therapy by prescription or home remedies such as vicksvapor rub.
Dr. Lui
Dr. Lui
Fungus of toenails cannot always be cured in every patient. Although it can be controlled. In order to get the best results you first have to get an accurate diagnosis. This can be achieved following taking a detailed history of the problem physical examination of the toenail and appropriate diagnostic tests when indicated. You have to rule out the other diagnosis’s that look identical to fungus. Than your treatment plan needs to include elimination of trauma to the nail and controlling moisture to the surrounding skin and nail structures. Some cases require maintenance medications to prevent recurrences that can occur with any infection.
There are 3 ways to treat nail fungus. There are topical medications, oral, medications, and laser treatments. The topicals are the least effective and the laser being the most effective. There is no treatment on the market which is 100% effective.
Dr. Jordan Steinberg
Dr. Jordan Steinberg
See your local Podiatrist. They can take a clipping of the nail and send to the lab so you can be put on the right medication
Before we or you can discuss any "cure" for a fungus nail, a physician needs to have a culture of the toenail to find out the diagnosis exactly. Then there are some treatment protocols that can be followed. Any of the over-the-counter medication is not going to cure anything.
Before we or you can discuss and "cure" for a fungus nail. A physician needs to have a culture of the toenail to find out the diagnosis exactly. Then there are some treatment protocols that can be followed. Any of the over-the-counter medication is not going to cure anything.
There are other remedies out there including oral medication and laser treatment. All treatments work to a certain extent. Oral medication has been known to be of more efficacy than topical. Laser treatment is relatively new and has promising results.
The first step would be to make sure that it is a fungal infection. Other things like trauma can mimic a fungal toenail. Your podiatrist can do this by sending a sample. The most effective medication is an oral medication which will require bloodwork. Even then the most effective medication is only about 70 percent effective depending on the severity of the infection
Possibly, depending on how severe your case is. You may also have a genetic component, worsening your condition. Use a strong family of anti-fungals, Tolcylen is my suggestion under your docs care.
There is an oral option but you'll need a prescription. Sometimes they may check your liver function as well. The oral option is 1 tab for 90 days. There is also a chance it is not fungus.
Toenail fungus is a difficult problem. There is not a quick treatment, as the nail will grow slowly over time. I recommend you see a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) to determine cause and most appropriate treatment for you
Though toenail fungus is very difficult to get rid of in some people, and some people simply can not seem to get rid of it, there are several cures. The most effective treatment I have found in my patients is oral medication called Lamisil. Many patients and doctors are afraid of prescribing or taking Lamisil because it is processed by the liver (but so are MANY medications-including all NSAIDS). As long as the liver functions are checked and within normal limits, I have NEVER had a patient have any sort of liver problem from taking Lamisil. You can not take Lamisil or other antifungals if you are taking certain other medications. Alternatively, there are several topical treatments (you need to apply these 1-2 times per day, depending on the medication, for a minimum of 9 months, and often up to 2-3 years). Lastly, there are Laser treatments (these are not covered by insurance, are costly, and usually does not work, or the problem recurs quickly after therapy). No matter what treatment you have, they all take about 9 months to fully cure the problem (even though the oral medication is only taken for 3 months, it takes 9 months to fully clear the nail of the fungus). You should bleach your shower and spray your shoes with Lysol to kill any spores in the environment that may re-infect you.
There are ways to cure fungus in the toenails. It can be difficult to get rid of the fungus especially if it has been there for a long time. The next step might be an oral antifungal agent.
There are several cures for toenail fungus. But not every treatment will work on every person. When using topical anti-fungal medication, I encourage patients to file/rough-up the surface of the toenail so the medication seeps into the nail easier and also to put the solution or cream under the front edge or sides of the toenail.