“Is there supposed to be a hole after wisdom tooth extraction?”
I am a 30 year old female. I want to know if there is supposed to be a hole after wisdom tooth extraction?
6 Answers
It feels like you have a hole, however the hole is filled with a blood clot. The first 24 hours after the extraction, try not to rinse your mouth, spitting, avoid hot drinks and anything that dissolve blood clots formed in the empty tooth socket. Avoid strenuous activity for at least 48 hours. Now, a dry socket can be formed if you lose the blood clot. Dry socket symptoms are severe persistent, throbbing pain within 2 to 4 days after the tooth extraction. The pain may extend to your ears or eye on the same side of the face. Can also develop bad breath, slight fever, and an unpleasant taste. If you develop dry socket, the pian wilt let you know that your wound is not protected. Swelling also is an indication you have lost the blood clot. Please, call the odontologist (Dentist) immediately to be seen and follow his recommendations. Thank you.
Yes, there may be a hole in the gum where your wisdom tooth was removed. Eventually, a membrane should form over the hole, which will allow the bone and gum tissue underneath to heal and eventually close the hole.
After a dental extraction, there may be a hole in the gum where the tooth was previously located. Gum tissue will cover the hole typically within 2-3 weeks and underneath new bone will fill in the space within 3-6 months. It is important during the healing phase that one keep the wound clean and follow the post-operative instructions given to them by their doctor to avoid complications.