Cardiologist Questions Atrial Fibrillation

I can feel my heart pounding time and again. Could it be a symptom of atrial fibrillation?

I am a 42 year old woman and I can feel my heart pounding sometimes. I went for a cardiac ultrasound, but it turned out normal. When the doctor physically examined me using a stethoscope, he could sense some skipped heartbeats. Could it be a symptom of atrial fibrillation?

8 Answers

There are many types of heart arhythmias, one type is atrial fibrillation, which in general is seen in people over the age of 60, but can happen in younger individuals. Some skipped beats is not the usual description that doctors would give for atrial fibrillation, but an EKG and other tests would clarify what you had. Most skipped beats are totally benign and don't indicate a serious heart problem.
Maybe. A holter A stress test and a sleep study. May help find out the cause and type of arrhythmia. Labs including magnesium potassium and thyroid levels as well
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You could wear a Ziopatch for 2 weeks, and actually have the cardiologist see whether or not you get atrial fibrillation. Skipped beats are not atrial fibrillation.
Yes. Holter monitor, echocardiogram, and stress test will help.
It can be, but most likely premature atrial contractions, all of which can be benign. A patient needs blood tests and an echo, and a good history and physical, easy to figure out.
Did the doctor do an ECG? You need to get a recording of your heart when you are having these symptoms. This can be done with any one of a number of monitoring techniques. Sounds like you should see a cardiologist.
Most likely it is an extra heart beat from the top or bottom part of the heart that affects the regularity of heart beat. A holter monitor can help out with figuring out if arrhythmia is atrial fibrillation or e tea heart beats as long as they are frequent enough to be caught by the holter.
It could be