“Left eye starts watering when I see bright light. Why is it?”
I do not have any specs and have a good eyesight. I am 25 years of age and recently I have noticed my left eye starts watering everytime I see bright light. What could be the reason behind this?
9 Answers
It's very important for your son to wear his spectacle correction at all time so that he develops his best vision with his best depth perception. Cylindrical correction will not change throughout his life, as it if a measurement of the shape of his cornea, which does not change.
While I can appreciate that you do not have specs, your eyes are dynamic and subject to change. That's why we recommend yearly eye exams with refractions as it is important to check vision as well as ocular health complete with dilation. That being said, light sensitivity usually can be related to uncorrected refractive error or spasm of the accommodative system. If you have light/blue eyes, you are already a little sensitive in bright light. A more in-depth eval could uncover multiple reasons.
You may think you have good vision, but an eye examination is recommended in this case. Sometimes patients with astigmatism can complain about tearing and sensitivity to light.
Vinnie Tieu, O.D.
Vinnie Tieu, O.D.
Morgan Graves
Tearing could be caused by a number of things but dry eye is very common. Dry eye is more common bilaterally, sometimes as we sleep our eyes do not fully shut. I would suggest using artificial tears 4 times a day and a gel drop at bedtime.
This type of tearing is usually a result of dryness or low grade eye irritation. It is a good idea to get your eyes checked out to determine the exact cause and treatment needed.
Possible inflammation. Need to see an optometrist to role out blepharitis or chronic dry eyes more prevalent in left than right eye.
Dr. Hakki
Dr. Hakki
Hi there,
There can be many reasons for this. I would recommend getting your eyes looked out for a comprehensive eye exam. Was it something suddenly happening? Ever get anything in your eye? Any infection from the outdoors? Have you been getting enough sleep? So these questions and depending on answers can lead to many solutions. Since I can’t see you, it’ll be difficult to assess without more info.
There can be many reasons for this. I would recommend getting your eyes looked out for a comprehensive eye exam. Was it something suddenly happening? Ever get anything in your eye? Any infection from the outdoors? Have you been getting enough sleep? So these questions and depending on answers can lead to many solutions. Since I can’t see you, it’ll be difficult to assess without more info.
Vipul Jyoti
Hello, thanks for your question. It could be due to various things, do you have a headache as well with it, do you see any flashing lights/visual symptoms when you experience this, and do you feel any irritation/itching/burning in your eye? Kindly book an appointment at my clinic, and we can look into it further if you wish.