Dentist Questions Loose tooth

Loose tooth

I fell down and my front tooth moved from its place but I returned it to its original position. It is kinda loose and it's hurting. What should I do?

Female | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 2days

25 Answers

You need to see your dentist. You must be very upset. When a tooth is injured, especially when it was injured and moved out of its original place, this an emergency. Some hospitals have an oral surgeon on staff and/or on call. Each injury is different and the care given depends on the injury. Get to your dentist. The fact that it is loose, is not a good sign. More than likely, your dentist will see what can be done since the injury is now over two days old.
You need to see a dentist as soon as possible. There are several potential problems that could be going on. A physical exam of the tooth and an x-ray needs to be done.
Go see your dentist ASAP. Many times they or an orthodontist can place a splint on your tooth to keep it in place and tighten the ligaments around it.
See a Dentist immediately. You may have damaged the nerve or even fractured the root up in the bone. Chances are the tooth will settle down but if it needs to be immobilized by a splint to heal you may be doing harm by not seeking treatment. If the nerve has been damaged it is best to treat sooner than later as a resultant dental abcess could complicate later treatment.
If the tooth is loose and hurting, an X-ray needs to be taken to see if the tooth is fractured or has an infection. When teeth have trauma, the nerve can die off and cause bacteria to get inside the tooth cavity, which then turns into an abscess and becomes painful. If that is the case, root canal therapy and antibiotics may be needed.
You need to see a dentist to evaluate your tooth.
Go to your dentist and have it stabilized. This is your best chance of saving the tooth long term.
I would visit the dentist to make sure no bone is broken and that the tooth is intact. The traumatic incident you experienced will take a little bit of time to recover from, but if the tooth and bone are intact, you will likely be back to normal before you know it! Loose teeth after experiencing trauma is normal, soreness will peak at the 3rd or 4th day and slowly diminish. I also want to let you know that sometimes a traumatic incident will "squish" the nerves and blood vessels at the base of the root, which can cause tooth discoloration and/or cause the tooth to die. If this is the case, visit the dentist for root canal therapy in conjunction with internal bleaching.
See a dentist as soon as possible.
It is important for you to go to your dentist. Typically we will assess the status of the tooth now and monitor it over time. Additionally, it may be indicated to stabilize the tooth to prevent too much movement.
You should see a dentist!!
Have your dentist stabilize the tooth by bonding it to adjacent teeth.
You should see an endodontist for an evaluation. The positioning of teeth is separate from the nerve and blood vessels within the tooth. Trauma compromises them. Once trauma occurs, the teeth may become irreversibly inflamed and eventually necrose. The tooth may require a root canal.
You will need to have this tooth evaluated by a dentist.

Thank you.
See a dentist to be certain the tooth does not need to be splinted in place
One of a few things is going on here. Best case scenario the ligament is inflamed and it allows a little movement in the tooth while it is healing. The other option is that the root is fractured and the portion of your tooth that you see is not connected to the part holding it in anymore. X-ray is recommended here for further diagnosis.
You should have an X-ray taken as a means of comparison of the tooth between now and in the future. You may need a temporary splint to allow the tooth to firm up and stabilize. If pain persists, you need to be diagnosed for a possible fracture of the root, or for irreversible trauma that might require root canal treatment. Only a qualified dentist can make these evaluations and diagnoses for you. So, call and get seen as quickly as possible. Good luck, and definitely do not try to self-diagnose yourself.

Mitchell Karl, DDS
You need to go to an ER at the hospital or see a dentist to get a retainer or splint the tooth to stabilize it.
Go to see a dentist. This doctor will determine what needs to be done

Sorry to hear about your tooth. You should go and see a dentist quickly! They will be able to stabilize and monitor the tooth. Stabilizing the tooth is very important, putting it back in place is the initial step, but unless it is stabilized, it may not work. Hope this makes sense.

Thanks and good luck!
Time will tell as long as you can endure the pain. take some ibuprofen and give it a few days definitive would be best to chieve the help of see how much damage you've done to the lining of the root and socket. so far so good if you think it's lined up as it was prior to the trauma.
You should seek an emergency exam, for damage assessment and fixation of your tooth in position if possible so it's braced into place without movement, if damage on this tooth isn't extensive then it's alright to keep such a tooth. Alternatively you could explore other options if it's prognosis is poor
Get the tooth temporarily attached to the adjacent teeth to stabilize the bone. Have periodic X-rays taken because the pulp well could die and cause an abscess.
See your dentist (or a dentist) asap. It is possible the ridge of bone around the tooth broke and you need to stabilize it.
Your tooth is attached to your bone with ligaments. When trauma occurs, the ligaments move the tooth back to its original position, however they are stretched out and can be sore for many days. It would be best for you to see your dentist and have an x-ray taken to rule out any root fractures or trauma to the never of the tooth.