Prosthodontist Questions Tooth Decay

Is there any medication to prevent tooth decay?

My molar tooth is becoming decayed and I would like to know if there are any medicines that I can help to prevent this.

11 Answers

Yes! We use Featherstone Protocol in our office for patients with a high risk of decay. The patient needs a prescription from their dentist to:
STEP 1: Achieve targeted killing of harmful oral bacteria that cause tooth decay (streptococcus mutans)
STEP 2. Remineralize/harden soft spots
Normal bacteria that live in the mouth produce acid that can cause cavities. Being thorough and consistent with oral hygiene will remove both the bacteria and the acid and will minimize the chances that a cavity will occur. Minerals in a toothpaste, especially fluoride, allow the tooth to repair if the damage is minimal. There is no medication that can prevent cavities if oral hygiene is insufficient.
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Once the decay begins the only way to contain it is by cleaning or excavating the cavity. However, a high fluoride toothpaste or rinse can help slow down process.
Brushing, flossing, fluoride and to see the Hygienist every six months.
If it really has decay in it you need a filling of some sort. If it is simply breaking tru the enamel you might be able to place fluoride varnish on it to stop its progression.
Yes it’s your tooth paste make sure you brush after every meal and floss as well
Once there is decay, you must treat the problem. Removing decay and replacing the affected area will prevent the tooth from further decay and possibly needing a root canal treatment. Fluor is used to prevent decay and decay recurrence.
Fluoride, plaque control, and control your sugar consumption.
Once you have decay, the decay will stay unless you place a restoration. If the decay is in the enamel, you can use prescription toothpaste to prevent decay from going further in conjunction with proper brushing, flossing, and great oral hygiene. If the decay has passed the enamel and it is into dentin, it is best to restore it with white filling or bonding.
Yes there are several fluoride gel and rinses that can be applied on a daily basis to prevent decay. MI paste is an excellent decay fighting ointment. Interesting enough sugarless gum and hard candies have also helped in fighting decay. However once your tooth has started to decay, the rotted portion mus be removed and restored with a filling. I prefer tooth colored fillings